Letters of Note: Love, Dad

From Fathers to Sons I found this wonderful piece online that holds home-spun truths for the young man who has his mind set on bidding goodbye to single-hood, nightly hangouts with the boys and youthful revelry. In this inspiring article, a few days before his 26-year-old son, Michael, got married in June 1971, future-U.S. President Ronald Reagan sent him a letter of advice. How I wish fathers wrote their sons such letters today. Truth be told, relationships take a lot of work especially marriage relationships. What more can be more beautiful and a trying experience at the same time than two people learning to live together as one? People could leave together for decades and never get it right. And it doesn’t just end there; they will be multiplying themselves in the lives of their offspring, whom they have been given the divine privilege of nurturing. Your spouse can literally make or break you. That might sound scary but it is the truth. It has be...