- Have you prayed today?
- I was at the Platform 10.0 last week, an annual event organized by the wonderful leadership and people at CCC. The theme for this program was tagged 'Cultural innovation...Native intelligence going global'. It was a call to look inwards to see how well we could redefine and reinvent ourselves as individuals, businesses, communities and as a nation.
- We were admonished to see 'westernization' as an experiment and not a lifestyle to follow 'zombie-like' because on the surface it looks like change but change at what cost? Do we have to trade our values in the name of progress? Should we throw away the beautiful and enterprising aspects of identity and culture under the guise of development? Food for thought but I digress...
- I remember specifically that one of the speakers at the event wanted us to pray for our country and this was the prayer:
- "O God of creation
Direct our noble cause
- Guide our leaders right
- Help our youth the truth to know
- In love and honesty to grow
- And living just and true
- Great lofty height attain
- To build a nation where peace
- And justice shall reign."
- A prayer indeed! I long to see the day when we live in the reality of these words as a people. Don't you?
- Have you prayed today?
Over before it even started Emotions are running wild, Depressive tendencies trying to get the better of me I have been here before and I know I will ride this out somehow It’s just a matter of time Lots of questions running through my mind though; Was I really so insensitive to her feelings? Were these times we shared just a game? Did she really love me like she professed or was I just so gullible and naive, blind to her true intentions? Did we change gears too fast? I don’t know any other way to love though With me there are no half measures I feel the attraction and move in to make the connection ‘Full stop Ninja’ that I am, cutting to the chase from the get go Is there still someone out there to accept me as I am? I thought I had finally found acceptance and true understanding But it looks like I built me a house of cards I just hate the way the cookie crumbles leaving a bitter taste in the mouth Still feels like a dr...
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