The Blessings of Maami

--> The Blessings of Maami image Source: From the depths of her being There gushes a mighty river From a source well hidden within the crucible of her spirituality. She a giver; Created just like the one who touts a 'third leg' The lot fell to her to become the ferryman of the little extra required to spawn champions. Her voice is a song Her scolds ever so painful to bear at first, Enshrine in us, character and values that birth tomorrow's laurels Her bosom is a fortress more secure than that fort where gold is held captive in Barack's country. Her laughter gladdens the day Even nature is discomfited at her pain and discomfort. Has mother ever pulled you ear? Has your backside ever felt the wrath of her slipper? Have the unspoken words of her eyes ever chilled your bones? Indeed we all have a tale to tell of mother at her punitive best Yet, how quickly mother-inflicted sorrow...